Frustrated with the police : Thu Feb 28, 2013 2:03 pm
Last year I reported an offence under the Badger Act on a large development to the police, they passed it to the RSPCA investigator; he confirmed what I had reported. After weeks of trying to get in touch with the RSPCA investigator for an update, which he said he would do but never, he told me he had passed it back to the police. After weeks of trying to get information from the police they finally say the RSPCA investigator never passed it back to them. While this was happening we reported to the police and RSPCA we thought further offence/s may be being committed, I was allowed by the developers on site to regularly monitor the badgers and to advise them, (this was a bit of joke but another story). We were told by the police and RSPCA investigator they would follow it up and update us, this was never done. I have recently done a sett/site visit with a wildlife officer and I unfortunately have had to reported a similar offence at the same sett. We also contact the police wildlife crimes officer and he emailed us back but only about the old sett disturbance last year, nothing about the new one, and explained he has told the developer to contact all concerned regarding the offence, I am getting very frustrated.