Re: School Girl Stabbed in Birmingham : Sat Mar 16, 2013 8:27 pm
I always have a penknife or multitool with me when I fish which could be classed as carrying a bladed instrument in a public place. The three foot long pointed banksticks I take with me could also be classed as offensive weapons. The law as it is depends on you having a good reason to carry the blade e.g. just bought a set of cooking knives. If the law was enforced to a stupid extent any carpenter walking to work carrying his tools in a bag could be done for carrying an offensive weapon or going equipped.I recently came across one of those real life Police documentaries filmed in the UK while flicking through the channels. They had stopped a young motorist and while searching him/car found a multitool and said they were confiscating the said bladed instrument that he was "carrying in public". The motorist became irate and pointed out that the extendable wheel brace he had in the car could also be used as a weapon and that both were items one might expect to be carried by a motorist. None-the-less the multitool was confiscated. Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that the young motorist was black!
Honest, our Police aren't institutionally racist!