More stupidity from a public sector body? : Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:06 pm ... uples.html
Given that a charity must operate within its charitable objects, this seems a wierd thing for the Charity Commission to argue. I assuume (not checked) that the Catholic charity's objects will involve observance of Catholic philospophy. If that's the case aren't the Charity Commission likely to cause the trustees of this (and maybe thousands of other charities) to have to breach their objects (and thereby potentially lose their charitable status)? | ... uples.html
Given that a charity must operate within its charitable objects, this seems a wierd thing for the Charity Commission to argue. I assuume (not checked) that the Catholic charity's objects will involve observance of Catholic philospophy. If that's the case aren't the Charity Commission likely to cause the trustees of this (and maybe thousands of other charities) to have to breach their objects (and thereby potentially lose their charitable status)? |