Re: Tory MPs 'go to war' over gay marriage : Tue Jan 17, 2012 1:37 pm
To expand the discussion:Can anyone explain how other peoples' relationships and how they are recognised (or not) impacts on the relationships of yet other people?
For instance – for someone who is married, how would someone else being allowed to marry affect the marriage of couple number one? How does it change the nature of marriage – given that we already have a situation where we have civil marriages that have no religious component?
And another part of the question: how would gay marriage be an infringement of the rights of religious people?
A couple of brief observations:
• there is no universal opinion on this question, even within religious circles. And there are LGBT religious people who would like a religious marriage and to see their marriage in that light.
• how do those who claim that gay marriage would infringe their rights of religious freedom square the circle when it comes to their freedom meaning that they can impose their beliefs on others?