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Lessons learned my ar
The Met is by & large no longer fit for purpose, it is still run by a corrupt coterie of self-serving indiviuals.
What lessons learned in the Blair Peach case were evident in the Ian Tomplinson case? Or from the Lawrence murder in the Damilola Taylor case? I suggest you take a look at the Daniel Morgan murder, including the failed prosecutions, the numerous "enquiries" that have gone nowhere, including one that cited ingrained corruption as a reason for a failure to prosecute successfully.
Saying it is "a lesson learned" only works when those lessons really do lead to a change in attitude, so far little appears to have changed. Officers are still allowed to resign in order to avoid discipline, the organisation itself is taking bungs from industry, in the form of cars from BMW, Land Rover and Nestle (WTF
As for the Olympics, there was plenty of praise and much goodwill towards the police, even though they were only doing their job