Lord Elpers wrote:
... The Euro is doomed and is only being kept alive by the EU politicians who don't want to admit their mistakes before they retire or are kicked out...
I think you mean you would like it to be doomed.
EU politicians are busily correcting the mistakes (which IMHO include not having fiscal union at the launch of the Euro).
The markets are still buying Euro, its value against the pound and the dollar are higher now than when it was introduced. (It is down against the Swiss Franc and the Japanese Yen ... but how many currencies aren't?)
Lord Elpers wrote:
... A new political party has been formed in Germany with over 25% support whose aims are to exit from the Euro. They fully support David Camerons ideas to reform the EU too...
Are they clairvoyant?
Cameron hasn't made any real case yet and the things he has managed to mention so far are all business-as-usual topics anyway, highlighted as some sort of tough stance to show the near-sighted Europhobe tendency in his party that he's the man to give Johnny Foreigner a bloody nose.
Lord Elpers wrote:
... The fake accounting was not too important to the EU leaders at the time as they rushed to expand their empire and Germany was too busy negotiating a deal with the Greeks to buy a large number of tanks and submarines which would be funded with the EU grants once their membership was execepted. Cover up.... what cover up!
I agree that Greece should not have been allowed to join the Euro and the expansion of the EU was far too fast, when consolidation of the existing Union should have been the priority (i.e. deeper union before wider union).
I still hold to that view.
You seem to be saying that Greek membership was dependent upon them buying arms from Germany.
That is nonsense.
It's very easy to point at what arms they bought from companies in several other EU member states and come up with a conspiracy ... but Greece bought very expensive aeroplanes from the US, I guess that was just to put us off the scent eh?