Quote Mintball="Mintball"And obviously you know better than three different courts and goodness know how many lawyers, including people like David Allen Green.
in which case, nobody will ever be extradited if they have not already been tried.'"
no, it hasnt. It hasnt been proven in a British court, or a Swedish court. There has been a valid EAW, through the proper channels. There hasn’t, and isn’t the need for a prima facie case to need to be made for Britain to extradite someone to Sweden. One of the reasons the EAW was invented was to reduce the amount of evidence needed for extradition. Or as your Mr David Allen Green says
[iThe main reason for the court ordering extradition was simply that a valid European Arrest Warrant (EAW) had been issued. If a valid EAW is correctly served on the correct person then, unless it can be shown that it is disproportionate, an abuse of process, or otherwise a violation of the defendant's human rights, a United Kingdom court is bound to order extradition, just as a Swedish court would be bound to order the extradition of a person requested by the UK government under an EAW
It was contended by Assange's UK lawyers that it was not a valid EAW, for it had not been issued by a competent authority. This was always going to be a difficult submission, as the EAW had already been certified by the United Kingdom's Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA). But even if there was still doubt on this, Assange's own expert witnesses from Sweden confirmed that it had been validly issued. Once this fundamental question had been decided then it would have been exceptional had the EAW been refused on any other grounds.
I dont doubt it was legally correct for him to be extradited, I havent argued otherwise. Im arguing the law is wrong and we should have more checks and balances to protect people who are innocent.
Quote MintballJebus effing wept.
And you call me "silly". '"
you seem to be doing your best to prove me right.
Quote MintballOh, BTW, did you catch the bit about that bastion of free speech, Ecuador, preparing to send back to that other bastion of human rights, Belarus, someone they'd given asylum to?'"
Ecuador isnt perfect. Wow, they must be the only country in the world to not be perfect. Not like Britain whose relationship between press and government is, of course, perfect. Damn those swarthy southern americans, you just cant trust 'em like the swedes
Quote MintballWTF does it say about Assange that he picks a country where free speech and freedoms of the press are going down the toilet? sounds like a consistent approach to ethics ...'"
Does it? Was he offered asylum by a liberal utopia?
Quote MintballAlthough, if he understood what ethics were, he might not have coughed up Bradley Manning to the authorities quite so quickly, eh? But then he doesn't care. About anything except himself.'"
Yeah, its definitely his fault Bradley Manning has been held for 800 days without trial.
Quote MintballHe's a cowardly, sociopathic narcissist with a messiah complex.
And some people fall for it.'"
Doesnt make him a rapist.