Reasoning and thinking as opposed to posting bald statistics is just too hard for some.
Here is a thought and a bit of reasoning. If the unemployment figures fall below 7%, the B of E has said interest rates will rise. This will of course put peoples mortgages up and increase the cost of borrowing to businesses.
So added to the cost of living crisis we see as the cost of energy goes up, we will have increased mortgages to pay which would be great timing (not) for an election if we saw a steady increase in interest rates between now and 2015 as peoples pockets are further squeezed.
This is the last thing Osborne wants. So instead of having a figure for unemployment based on those not in a full time job (as it used to be years ago), we have a figure that takes you out of the unemployment statistics as soon as you become ineligible for JSA, then this particularly broad view as to what constitutes employment could stick a huge spanner in Osborne's economic policy which is relying on interest rates being low for years if not decades.
Lets see how independent the B of E is over interest rates if as looks likely the figure will drop below 7% and if they do put them up how Osborne spins even more strain being out on family budgets as being a good thing.