kirkstaller wrote:
Let me make this clear for you.
The OT contains history, proverbs, wisdom and Mosaic Law.
The Mosaic law never applied to Gentiles, of which I am one.
Therefore, the history, proverbs and wisdom contained in the OT is very much relevant. The Mosaic Law is interesting, but has never applied to me.
So you've cherry picked quotes to fit your agenda.
Sorry i'll rephrase that.
Somebody you've never met has cherry picked quotes to fit his agenda and you, desperate for some meaning in your life, have followed it, without evidence, like a lamb.
All very interested stuff.
A few questions:
Are ALL of the following real:
Zombies (1 Corinthians 15:14-20 + Matthew 27:52-53 + Acts 2:24 + John 6:53)
Witches/wizards and/or sorcerers/sorceresses are real? (Exodus 22:18)
Ghosts [which quite possibly resemble swiss cheese] (hint: Holy Spirit)
Vampires and Flesh-eating Monsters (John 6:53 and 56)
Magic and Miracles and Special Super Powers
Reincarnation (hint: heaven, hell and everlasting life)
Guys who create life-sustaining planets pre-configured with life due to their dirt sniffing habits (Genesis 1:1 onwards)
Should witches be executed? (Exodus 22:18)
Should adulterers and adulteresses be executed? (Leviticus 20:10)
Are witches the daughters of adulterers and prostitutes? (Isaiah 57:3)
Is homosexuality is an abomination? (Leviticus 18:22)
Should ALL homosexuals and black people and atheists should be exterminated from the face of the planet? (Leviticus 20:13)
Are women are worth less than men? (Leviticus 27:3-7)
Are you are allowed to have slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations? (Leviticus 25:44)
It is OK for you to sell your daughter into slavery? (Exodus 21:7)
Are you forbidden from making any form of contact with any women who has a period (Leviticus 15:19-24)
Does Jesus love the smell of burning flesh in the morning? (Leviticus 1:9)
Should people who work on Saturdays be put to death? (Exodus 35:2)
Can the name "God" be used as profanity? (Leviticus 22:32)
Are women forbidden from having braided hair and wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothes? (1 Timothy 2:9)
Are women forbidden from teaching or having authority over men? (1 Timothy 2:12)
Is the name "God" meant to be kept holy, that is, not used as a profanity? (Leviticus 22:32)
Are you forbidden from cross-breeding animals or crops, or even wearing clothes made from two or more different kinds of materials? (Leviticus 19:19)
Are "blasphemers" to be stoned to death by the entire town? (Leviticus 24:10-16)
If somebody buries both a woman and her mother, should he/she be burnt in a fire? (Leviticus 20:14)
If you steal or murder or torture or become a fraud or lie, will you be granted a pass to heaven if you ask for forgiveness? (Mark 3:28-29)
Is it true that God created the blind, dumb and/or deaf people? (Exodus 4:11)
Are handicapped people (as well as those mentioned above) forbidden from entering the kingdom of heaven and god?Are handicapped people (as well as those mentioned above) forbidden to become priests and/or bring offerings to the altar? (Lev.21:17-23)
If you blaspheme, are you doomed for all eternity because you will never be forgiven for that? (Mark 3:28-29)
If your children have been disobedient or rebellious, do you have to drag them into a popular part of town so that you can tell the elders that they are drunk, and that they can get beaten up and stoned to death by the elders? (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)
Is it true that your god had ordered Moses to stone someone to death for gathering sticks on sabbath? (Numbers 15:32-36)
Is this a valid and perfect ceremony to perform in order to cure (or even after the cure) a person suffering leprosy as performed by a priest in front of the leper (Leviticus 14):
Kill a bird which has been "cleaned"
Dip another "clean" bird in the blood of the bird slaughtered in Step 1
Let it go
Will god give you telekinetic powers if you ask for them with a decent amount of faith? (John 16:24)
Is God so angry that he made/makes women eat their own children? (Lamentations 4:10)
Is the earth flat? (Revelation 7:1)
Is the earth static, i.e. does not move at all? (1 Chronicles 16:30 + Psalm 93:1 + Psalm 96:10 + Psalm 104:5 + Isaiah 45:18)
Is it required for you to eat your children if your god gets mad, which he often does? (Leviticus 26:29)
Can people be magically transformed into kitchen condiments by turning their backs around (Genesis 19:26)
Does God become judgemental when you get angry at your brother? (Matthew 5:22)
Is calling someone a fool punishable by Hell fire? (Matthew 5:22)
If a man rapes a woman then must they be married if the man pays 50 shekels of silver? (Deutoronomy 22:28-29)
Is it God who creates evil? (Isiah 45:7)
Is the old testament still applicable? (Matthew 5:17-20)