The thing with the net is you can't convey tone or have a facial expression that says 'hey don't take me serious, this is just a light off the cuff comment'.
What i hate, on here as well as other forums is when you offer an opinion contrary to the popular one and are labelled a troll.
Say being a Wire fan and i venture over to the Wigan forum and offer a genuine opinion and all i get is 'love off troll', winds me up.
The internet seems to be a place of polarized opinion rather than discussion at times.
Don't see why some people fail to acknowledge others opinion because they are different, for me i usually disagree with 70% of Mintys opinions, not because they are wrong just we have a different view on life based on experiences but sometimes, as all humans should, i stand up and applaud some of her views.
Is discussion dead on the internet?