Mintball wrote:
A couple of general points: social workers usually get the flack for anything, but they're frequently snowed under with paperwork (not by their design or desire) and not the only ones involved in cases. So for instance, in the Baby P case, it was not social workers who wouldn't remove him from his family, but the legal team that wouldn't let social workers remove him. Unfortunately, for most of the media in this country, social workers are just a target to demean, which equally gets the kneejerkers going.
I know for a fact that in our local county council the social services staff are considered lazy. They can't even be bothered answering the 'phone. If a "client" leaves a message they don't return it. All in all they do not seem to serve any purpose. They interefere in the lives of people who don't want them to, they ignore people in need who want help. I'd get rid of every last one of them.