Someday everything is gonna be different, when I paint my masterpiece ---------------------------------------------------------- Online art gallery, selling original landscape artwork ---------------------------------------------------------- JerryChicken - The Blog ----------------------------------------------------------
One more connected issue - the next political hot potato will be the "bedroom tax" which kicks in in April, this will be Camerons Poll tax and its caused by his inability to see that many of those living in rented LA accomodation (especially in the South of England) are in work and not his loathsome shirkers, will actually have voted for him in 2010, and see their houses as homes and not something that you rent for a short period and move on.
There are tens of thousands of example arising now of people who are facing £10-£15 a WEEK increase in their rents for this obscene tax on the fact that they have a spare room in the house and a Minister thinks that they are living a life of selfish obstinacy at the taxpayers expense regardless of the fact that they are paying the going rate for the size of house anyway.
All of which was initially started by the fact that the demand for rented accomodation is for three bed dwellings of which there is a shortage and has been for a coupleof decades at least during which time no-one in goevrnment has thought to address the situation until we are left with a government who's idea of sorting it is to hit the poorest very hard with a view to levering them out and relocating them to an area with smaller dwellings regardless of family roots or accesibility to work etc.
Your job is to say to yourself on a job interview does the hiring manager likes me or not. If you aren't a particular manager's cup of tea, you haven't failed -- you've dodged a bullet.
One more connected issue - the next political hot potato will be the "bedroom tax" which kicks in in April, this will be Camerons Poll tax and its caused by his inability to see that many of those living in rented LA accomodation (especially in the South of England) are in work and not his loathsome shirkers, will actually have voted for him in 2010, and see their houses as homes and not something that you rent for a short period and move on.
There are tens of thousands of example arising now of people who are facing £10-£15 a WEEK increase in their rents for this obscene tax on the fact that they have a spare room in the house and a Minister thinks that they are living a life of selfish obstinacy at the taxpayers expense regardless of the fact that they are paying the going rate for the size of house anyway.
All of which was initially started by the fact that the demand for rented accomodation is for three bed dwellings of which there is a shortage and has been for a coupleof decades at least during which time no-one in goevrnment has thought to address the situation until we are left with a government who's idea of sorting it is to hit the poorest very hard with a view to levering them out and relocating them to an area with smaller dwellings regardless of family roots or accesibility to work etc.
Thoughtless government again.
Playing devil's advocate - If you want to make best use of the housing stock it makes sense that two people live in a one bedroomed property and three people live in a two bedroomed property. Why should we as home owning tax payers help to support others living in houses that are way bigger than they need?
Someday everything is gonna be different, when I paint my masterpiece ---------------------------------------------------------- Online art gallery, selling original landscape artwork ---------------------------------------------------------- JerryChicken - The Blog ----------------------------------------------------------
Playing devil's advocate - If you want to make best use of the housing stock it makes sense that two people live in a one bedroomed property and three people live in a two bedroomed property. Why should we as home owning tax payers help to support others living in houses that are way bigger than they need?
Because then, in a huge leap of irony, this Tory-led government is then behaving in a manner most suited to communist Russia or China which would be highly amusing were it not affecting the lives of tens of thousands of people (actually a couple of hundred thousand).
Not only is this government of "light government", the government of "individual choice and responsibility" now forcing the unemployed into unpaid work, but its forcing them to move house on a whim due to them having, in a government officials opinion, one room too many - if we heard of it happening in China we'd shake our head and tutt loudly and show the page from The Express to the person sitting next to us and say something like "these bloody commies eh ?"
I suppose that both the extreme left wing and the extreme right wing of politics have a lot in common in that the pendulum swings back to a tight state control on both wings and in that we shouldn't be surprised, but the party which presented itself as a couple of fresh faced posh boys three years ago is now slowly revealing itself as a party of two fresh faqced clueless puppets controlled by some very right wing reactionary's who's ideals and policies are getting more insidious by the hour.
Put simply, the two people living in a three bed council house claiming housing benefit are probably there as a change of circumstances, health or family downsizing, certainly employment too, they may have lived in the house, which they viewed until now as "their home" for many years, will have paid the rent for a three bed house for many years, and now have a local government "inspector" knocking on the door telling them to pay a punative tax or relocate, often several miles away, on a whim of government.
Playing devil's advocate - If you want to make best use of the housing stock it makes sense that two people live in a one bedroomed property and three people live in a two bedroomed property. Why should we as home owning tax payers help to support others living in houses that are way bigger than they need?
Because then, in a huge leap of irony, this Tory-led government is then behaving in a manner most suited to communist Russia or China which would be highly amusing were it not affecting the lives of tens of thousands of people (actually a couple of hundred thousand).
Not only is this government of "light government", the government of "individual choice and responsibility" now forcing the unemployed into unpaid work, but its forcing them to move house on a whim due to them having, in a government officials opinion, one room too many - if we heard of it happening in China we'd shake our head and tutt loudly and show the page from The Express to the person sitting next to us and say something like "these bloody commies eh ?"
I suppose that both the extreme left wing and the extreme right wing of politics have a lot in common in that the pendulum swings back to a tight state control on both wings and in that we shouldn't be surprised, but the party which presented itself as a couple of fresh faced posh boys three years ago is now slowly revealing itself as a party of two fresh faqced clueless puppets controlled by some very right wing reactionary's who's ideals and policies are getting more insidious by the hour.
Put simply, the two people living in a three bed council house claiming housing benefit are probably there as a change of circumstances, health or family downsizing, certainly employment too, they may have lived in the house, which they viewed until now as "their home" for many years, will have paid the rent for a three bed house for many years, and now have a local government "inspector" knocking on the door telling them to pay a punative tax or relocate, often several miles away, on a whim of government.
One more connected issue - the next political hot potato will be the "bedroom tax" which kicks in in April, this will be Camerons Poll tax and its caused by his inability to see that many of those living in rented LA accomodation (especially in the South of England) are in work and not his loathsome shirkers, will actually have voted for him in 2010, and see their houses as homes and not something that you rent for a short period and move on.
There are tens of thousands of example arising now of people who are facing £10-£15 a WEEK increase in their rents for this obscene tax on the fact that they have a spare room in the house and a Minister thinks that they are living a life of selfish obstinacy at the taxpayers expense regardless of the fact that they are paying the going rate for the size of house anyway.
All of which was initially started by the fact that the demand for rented accomodation is for three bed dwellings of which there is a shortage and has been for a coupleof decades at least during which time no-one in goevrnment has thought to address the situation until we are left with a government who's idea of sorting it is to hit the poorest very hard with a view to levering them out and relocating them to an area with smaller dwellings regardless of family roots or accesibility to work etc.
Thoughtless government again.
first, you should really understand what a tax is. second, if you live in la housing and pay the rent yourself then this won't affect you one iota. third, people move all the time, and have done since we came out of the caves, i've had to due to being unable to afford the property i was in which now means a daily commute of 125miles. fourth, it isn't their house.
Someday everything is gonna be different, when I paint my masterpiece ---------------------------------------------------------- Online art gallery, selling original landscape artwork ---------------------------------------------------------- JerryChicken - The Blog ----------------------------------------------------------
first, you should really understand what a tax is. second, if you live in la housing and pay the rent yourself then this won't affect you one iota. third, people move all the time, and have done since we came out of the caves, i've had to due to being unable to afford the property i was in which now means a daily commute of 125miles. fourth, it isn't their house.
Nice swerve, how about addressing the issue ?
This is a clawing back of benefit from those who can least afford it for the most spurious of reasons, and will affect the most disadvantaged whether employed or unemployed, able bodeid or disabled - and don't quote the line that a fund has been set aside for the disabled because it has very finite qualifications which many will not meet.
"It isn't their house" - The puppet masters have a firm grasp of your strings too don't they ?
just about to get on the property ladder now myself...
first time buyer, it has not been easy getting a mortgage at all!!!
finally got a deposit saved up 10%... and about to start the mortgage payments, thing is i bought cheap and the prop needs renovating now so its going to take a while before im in.
got it for 68k... hopefully house prices will rise!! wont hold my breath though.
people my age are going to struggle to get on the market big time, luckily ive found a cheap prop and willing to put the work in to do it up.
Someday everything is gonna be different, when I paint my masterpiece ---------------------------------------------------------- Online art gallery, selling original landscape artwork ---------------------------------------------------------- JerryChicken - The Blog ----------------------------------------------------------
just about to get on the property ladder now myself...
first time buyer, it has not been easy getting a mortgage at all!!!
finally got a deposit saved up 10%... and about to start the mortgage payments, thing is i bought cheap and the prop needs renovating now so its going to take a while before im in.
got it for 68k... hopefully house prices will rise!! wont hold my breath though.
people my age are going to struggle to get on the market big time, luckily ive found a cheap prop and willing to put the work in to do it up.
Congratulations, I know what a struggle that must have been, just don't forget to make the first payment like I did
This is a clawing back of benefit from those who can least afford it for the most spurious of reasons, and will affect the most disadvantaged whether employed or unemployed, able bodeid or disabled - and don't quote the line that a fund has been set aside for the disabled because it has very finite qualifications which many will not meet.
"It isn't their house" - The puppet masters have a firm grasp of your strings too don't they ?
ah, so it's suddenly no longer a 'tax'. clawing back? so people will have their benefits reduced? or those that don't claim benefits yet live in la housing? just how will bob crowe be affected?
what's this fund that has been set aside? have you seen the qualification criteria and where can i get access to a copy that you clearly have. why will many not meet it? do you work in the department that will adjudicate on these cases?