Meanwhile, back in reality, there's an asteroid flying by today, at a distance which is nothing in astronomical terms (nearest approach about 300,000 miles - a little more than the distance to the moon) and so presents a good chance for earth based astronomers to make some observations. Don't worry though, we are all safe - even flat earthers - as the path of the now so-nickamed "Great Pumpkin" asteroid is very well understood.
Meanwhile, back in reality, there's an asteroid flying by today, at a distance which is nothing in astronomical terms (nearest approach about 300,000 miles - a little more than the distance to the moon) and so presents a good chance for earth based astronomers to make some observations. Don't worry though, we are all safe - even flat earthers - as the path of the now so-nickamed "Great Pumpkin" asteroid is very well understood.
I conclude that you want to get yourself banned, since you now realize you cannot answer perfectly reasonable questions, and so your fallback is to convince yourself you're a "victim"
In my lexicon, NASA stands for: Nazi And Space Actor. If you ever ensued to start poking around NASA the Apollo moon landings, a keen eye & open mind will bring you to the conclusion that it was a staged hoax. In fact the pure hard scientific evidence & analysis irrevocably reveals the fraud among many. Think about it, the greatest feat accomplished by man is an elaborate Hollywood production that cost the US taxpayer a cool 30 billion. Imagine what JC could create with that, it pisses me off more that NASA has built up a money-sucking colossus composed of lies, hoaxes and misinformation. The US taxpayer derives virtually no benefit from NASA'S existence & alleged scientific contributions derived by supposed explorations & experiments in space. Absent of any other sources to verify, we have had to prostate ourselves to the so-called "experts" despite irrefutable evidence that NASA's nothing more than an elaborate financial embezzler & pseudoscience peddler
Its a biased forum. BUBBLES ( you haven't answered that yet ) You keep crying to the moods You've lost you haven't gave me one single valid answer to all questions I've provided. Have a look but bare in mind my posts get deleted.
Its a biased forum. BUBBLES ( you haven't answered that yet ) You keep crying to the moods You've lost you haven't gave me one single valid answer to all questions I've provided. Have a look but bare in mind my posts get deleted.
Keep deluding yourself, you're great at it, but there's always room for improvement.
If you ask questions on your own thread then people might address them if they are sensible. I have asked you many times on your thread, for example, why you think the moon would look upside down when viewed from Australia, but so far you ignore it. And several other simple questions politely posed by others.
Your style is not to ask questions or give answers, it is to provide cryptic responses, and links to boring, lengthy YT videos by cranks. If you like, put up a list on your thread of a few valid individual questions which you claim have not been addressed. Instead of foaming at the mouth and insulting everyone.
In my lexicon, NASA stands for: Nazi And Space Actor. If you ever ensued to start poking around NASA the Apollo moon landings, a keen eye & open mind will bring you to the conclusion that it was a staged hoax. In fact the pure hard scientific evidence & analysis irrevocably reveals the fraud among many. Think about it, the greatest feat accomplished by man is an elaborate Hollywood production that cost the US taxpayer a cool 30 billion. Imagine what JC could create with that, it pisses me off more that NASA has built up a money-sucking colossus composed of lies, hoaxes and misinformation. The US taxpayer derives virtually no benefit from NASA'S existence & alleged scientific contributions derived by supposed explorations & experiments in space. Absent of any other sources to verify, we have had to prostate ourselves to the so-called "experts" despite irrefutable evidence that NASA's nothing more than an elaborate financial embezzler & pseudoscience peddler
The answers are in the linked video's confirming your questions. I really can't be parsed telling you to be honest your cognitive dissonance gets in the way of reason. Maybe I should sample my evidence in cartoon form ha ha
In my lexicon, NASA stands for: Nazi And Space Actor. If you ever ensued to start poking around NASA the Apollo moon landings, a keen eye & open mind will bring you to the conclusion that it was a staged hoax. In fact the pure hard scientific evidence & analysis irrevocably reveals the fraud among many. Think about it, the greatest feat accomplished by man is an elaborate Hollywood production that cost the US taxpayer a cool 30 billion. Imagine what JC could create with that, it pisses me off more that NASA has built up a money-sucking colossus composed of lies, hoaxes and misinformation. The US taxpayer derives virtually no benefit from NASA'S existence & alleged scientific contributions derived by supposed explorations & experiments in space. Absent of any other sources to verify, we have had to prostate ourselves to the so-called "experts" despite irrefutable evidence that NASA's nothing more than an elaborate financial embezzler & pseudoscience peddler
So if the earth is flat, as you maintain, and not a globe, as I maintain, what possible perspective effect could it be that makes the moon look upside down to two different observers standing on the same flat surface?
Why will you not answer this very simple question?
In my lexicon, NASA stands for: Nazi And Space Actor. If you ever ensued to start poking around NASA the Apollo moon landings, a keen eye & open mind will bring you to the conclusion that it was a staged hoax. In fact the pure hard scientific evidence & analysis irrevocably reveals the fraud among many. Think about it, the greatest feat accomplished by man is an elaborate Hollywood production that cost the US taxpayer a cool 30 billion. Imagine what JC could create with that, it pisses me off more that NASA has built up a money-sucking colossus composed of lies, hoaxes and misinformation. The US taxpayer derives virtually no benefit from NASA'S existence & alleged scientific contributions derived by supposed explorations & experiments in space. Absent of any other sources to verify, we have had to prostate ourselves to the so-called "experts" despite irrefutable evidence that NASA's nothing more than an elaborate financial embezzler & pseudoscience peddler
So if the earth is flat, as you maintain, and not a globe, as I maintain, what possible perspective effect could it be that makes the moon look upside down to two different observers standing on the same flat surface?
Why will you not answer this very simple question?
Pointless trying to explain to trolling Neanderthal's the best cartoon like adaptation I could come up with is this.
This is fabulous piece of work by Rob Skiba converting stellarium to the flat earth model. Stellarium is a free software you can download on-line. It is a heliocentric, globe-based program. However, by setting the location view to essentially be at the centre of the South Pole, and using the Stereographic view mode (with all of the stars and planets turned off), Rob was able to get a view of the sun and moon orbiting the Earth. From that particular view however, the orbit was anti -clockwise, so all he did was flip it to be a clockwise rotation and then laid it over the Flat Earth model with a screen filter. This was the end result. What amazed me though was how it literally shows the sun speeding up and slowing down, depending on how tight or wide the circuit was. Rob didn't do that. Stellarium did. This shows how the time of day remains consistent, whether in January or in June.
I'm still awaiting globe evidence since page 1. Moon phases are shown here which should answer BUBBLES's questions. But no doubt the trolls won't understand what Rob is showing here. Sun an moon circuits should explain both phases ( upside down too) and eclipses.
Ferocious Aardvark wrote:
So if the earth is flat, as you maintain, and not a globe, as I maintain, what possible perspective effect could it be that makes the moon look upside down to two different observers standing on the same flat surface?
Why will you not answer this very simple question?
Pointless trying to explain to trolling Neanderthal's the best cartoon like adaptation I could come up with is this.
This is fabulous piece of work by Rob Skiba converting stellarium to the flat earth model. Stellarium is a free software you can download on-line. It is a heliocentric, globe-based program. However, by setting the location view to essentially be at the centre of the South Pole, and using the Stereographic view mode (with all of the stars and planets turned off), Rob was able to get a view of the sun and moon orbiting the Earth. From that particular view however, the orbit was anti -clockwise, so all he did was flip it to be a clockwise rotation and then laid it over the Flat Earth model with a screen filter. This was the end result. What amazed me though was how it literally shows the sun speeding up and slowing down, depending on how tight or wide the circuit was. Rob didn't do that. Stellarium did. This shows how the time of day remains consistent, whether in January or in June.
I'm still awaiting globe evidence since page 1. Moon phases are shown here which should answer BUBBLES's questions. But no doubt the trolls won't understand what Rob is showing here. Sun an moon circuits should explain both phases ( upside down too) and eclipses.
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