Re: I'm thinking of going to/ has anyone ever been to (Holid : Mon Jun 11, 2012 7:53 am
major hound wrote:
I think this may be true, some years ago when prescriptions in the Uk cost £5.00 per item, my wife, who suffers from occasional eczema on her hands was prescribed something called "oily cream" which TBH wasn't having much effect. Normally you get Betnovate, but anyway she persevered. We went on holiday to the Costa Del Sol, and she forgot to take this stuff with her. So we went into a chemist, and he gave her a tube of Betnovate - and here's the punch-line it only cost a £1!
I was on holiday in Benalmadena in the early 80s and went down with what I can only describe as a flu-like illness. My ex-missus went to the pharmacy and attempted to describe my symptoms and came away with a bottle of bright yellow liquid. I knocked back a couple of gobfulls and then spent the next five hours sweating like a pig. I managed to fall alseep at dawn and when I woke at about lunchtime, felt as right as rain and thought I could fight the world.
When we got back home I gave the bottle to a mate who was an analytical chemist. He phoned me a couple of days later enquiring just where I'd bought it and whether I'd brought it back through customs. Apparently the main ingredient was laudanum and I could've been nicked for drug smuggling. Unfortunately he destroyed what was left.