Whilst personally I thought he was simply a Union dinasaur, a throwback to the failed cummunist era, he was to his members very good value for his £145k Union salary. And if that was what he trousered, he was perfectly entitled to spend it how he likes, be it on bottles of champagne or expensive foreign cruises. Don't we all like a break in the sun during the dismal winter months here in the UK?
The former London mayor Ken Livingstone, who you would think would be a natural political ally, had accused him of running a protection racket rather than a trade union. I suspect there are many who have to use the Underground would heartily agree with him.
His response, when asked why given his salary, he did not buy his own house says it all about this guy's mindset. He choose to reside in a subsidised Housing Association property, thus denying a lower wage earner family, (who could possibly be members of his Union), the chance of a decent home, on the pretence that as he was born in a council house, he would die in one. He did not feel he had a moral duty to move out, and "Where, complained our chubby Comrade, is it written that Council Housing is only for the poor?"
Up the Workers? More like Right up the Workers, eh Bob?