Dally wrote:
Offences for which the death penalty shuld be introduced, IMO:
- pre-meditated murder
- murder of a police office going about their duties
- paedophilia
- persistent crimininality resulting from Class A drug use (but only after 3 relapses after being given assistance by the State to stop using drugs)
Yeah, our Justice system is so perfect that no innocents will be wrongly found guilty.
I mean, it's never happened yet has it?
How do you propose to un-hang someone?
Or are innocent deaths worth it?
Your last point about class A drugs, in which you fail to mention what degree of ciminality would count towards the three-counts-and-you're-literally-dead, is an absolute sparkler of an unthought-out knee-jerk.
You are always banging on about morality and suchlike, yet killing people seems to be OK by you.