Dally wrote:
I still think the concept of gay "marriage" is ludicrous.
Well, I'm truly shocked, I was sure you were gay. Anyway, I think you thinking it's ludicrous is what's ludicrous.
Dally wrote:
It seems to me that the concept of marriage came about as a mechanism for holding couples together for the long period of time needed to raise human offspring.
It did? Perhaps you should run that one past the anthropologists. I'm pretty sure, as a species, we managed to get through maybe a couple of hundred thousand years just fine to dominate the world, without marriage. Elephants and primates (for example) seem to do alright too, but AFAIK they don't hold marriage ceremonies either. I conclude that the "mechanism" is plainly unnecessary, and irrelevant to that purpose.
Dally wrote:
The fact that gay people cannot procreate seems to make it a wholly unnecessary concept so far as they are concerned.
But marriage is not restricted to those who can procreate. Are you saying an older couple who wish to marry, or any couple who cannot reproduce by natural means, should be debarred? If not, then why shouldn't they? They can no more fulfil your requirement of raising human offspring than a gay couple, so what would be the distinction?
Are you against the millions who live their lives (and in many cases successfully procreate) without ever getting married? (Even if you are, and think they are doomed to hellfire for living in sin, you have to admit, it doesn't seem to affect reproductive capacity).
Dally wrote:
By all means allow them the same legal rights
Well, that's mighty big of you. A tad condescending, ("allow", indeed) but FYI they already have "the same legal rights" for the most part and it is irrational to propose that this is as it should be, while at the same time proposing that there should be exceptions for bits you personally don't like.
Dally wrote:
.. but let's keep the word and concept of "marriage" true to its original and cultural meaning.
Indeed: a formal union of two people who wish to express publicly and officially their wish to spend the rest of their lives together. All you need to get past now is your phobia of gays, and accept that they are just normal people, some of whom are not interested in marriage, and some of whom are. It makes no difference to you, and you would protest like hell (rightly) if gays tried to restrict your rights, so what gives you the right to restrict theirs?