Re: When will Labour ditch Ed M? : Wed Sep 25, 2013 12:02 pm
Keith wrote:
Cross purposes I thought you meant increase competition for supply and distribution, not just the retail bit.
That has long been one of my bones of contention.
The only 'choice' we have with utilities is who to pay to.
We cannot, for instance, choose to buy soft water when in London. And when you see how energy companies have, in recent years, all put up prices at approximately the same time, by the same amount, you also see how little meaningful choice there is.
Also, as I've mentioned before, I dislike this business whereby it's the consumer's responsibility to be an expert in everything they buy – not least because you can no longer rely on customer service to be honest.
I've yet to be convinced that there is anything wrong with the idea that essentials such as power should be available to all at a fair rate that acknowledges the importance to the whole country of that product/service, and where any profit is then ploughed back into that product/service. Remarkably, in the last couple of years, even posters on the Telegraph forums have started saying that privatisation of utilities 'hasn't worked'.