Re: Huhne was lying : Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:22 pm
Durham Giant wrote:
I accept that BUT IT CAN and it does.
The fact that it can happen is a world away from it happening routinely.
Durham Giant wrote:
I am just not getting into a semantic arguement.
It's easy to dismiss things as 'semantics' when you don't have an argument to support your point.
And any discussion of the legal system that attempts to avoid semantics is pretty pointless.
Durham Giant wrote:
Legal advisors give advice to clients to ensure the truth does not come out. Whether that equates practically to encouraging to lie which will happen in some cases or developing strategies to prevent the truth coming out which happens in many more cases is irrelevant.
It really isn't irrelevant. For a start, one of those strategies is illegal.
And by definition, in every court case where a legal adviser is trying to prevent the truth from coming out there is another attempting the exact opposite.
Durham Giant wrote:
The net result is the same in that courts particularly in an adversarial system often do not lead to the truth coming out or justice being done either for plaintiffs or defendants.
This is just a long-winded way of saying that the legal system isn't perfect. Well done for stating the obvious.
Durham Giant wrote:
Personally i dont care
You've a funny way of showing it.