Re: UK loses triple A rating : Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:31 pm
Dally wrote:
Osborne's political error has been stressing its retention as a key plank of his policy. In reality though that was always likely to have been bluster to try to put of the day.
That is letting him off far too easily. He didn't make a passing comment about us retaining our AAA rating. He said it was what you could judge his policies on. There is no other way to call it other than he has failed by his own measure. Why he failed doesn't even matter because if he was such a bloody genius we would still have the AAA rating.
What he is good at, as is the Coalition spin machine, is coming up with all sorts of rubbish to say black is white. As Mintball pointed out he is now saying losing the rating just proves he was right all along. This just shows how far we have sunk as a society because Mintball is also correct in saying most people will swallow it. Even if that were true it doesn't alter the fact that IMO he should resign or be sacked. You can't miss one of your key economic targets, twist it to say it proves your point anyway and have any credibility left.