So, if I understand Kirkstaller's latest comedic efforts, it's like this:
Some guy grabs a hold of the Ark, as one of the oxen stumbles. Presumably wanting the thing not to fall and be damaged.
This gets God mad. Kirkstaller does not explain why sych a selfless act could reasonably annoy anyone, let alone a God, who of course knows why the guy is selflessly trying to avoid damage to this here Ark.
Despite having always know this guy would choose to do that, God loses his temper. Odd, that. Especially for a God.
And he is so annoyed that he smites the poor bugger dead. Kirkstaller does not explain on what possible basis a just God would lose his temper over someone trying to be helpful, let alone end their life.
So presumably, having killed the guy, God then immediately has to forgive him, and off to Heaven he goes? Or was this minor act sufficient to send the guy to the flames of eternal hell?
And finally, as a catchall safeguard, even if (or maybe because) he can't explain any of this, kirkstaller falls back on the weird claim that God can't murder people. He can't? Thought he was supposed to be omnipotent?
Come on kirkstaller, let us have the benefit of your reasoning here. Pack in the one liners, and Cantona-esque rejoinders like "it's not murder because sharks are not murderers", and at leats try to make a coherent explanation of your crackers point that if god murders you, it isn't murder. Or are you saying God is an orca, and can't help it?