To get away from Dally's pretence at understanding that about which he pontificates - he lost any credibility in that field a long time ago -and to get back to the subject of the politics of the country.
I'm 48. I started voting during the early 80s when the Conservative party were in power and have voted in every single election, at whatever level, since. I believe it to be a fundamental plank of the British society.
I've never voted Conservative and never will. I see that despite their protestations they only truly represent a small part of the population, those with land and money.
I've been a swing voter between the other two all my life, alternating between Labour and Liberal/LibDem depending on which I felt reflected my views most honestly.
In recent years - probably since about 1990 - I've consistently voted LibDem as I felt i couldn't trust Blair, or laterly Brown as I didn't see them as representing anything other then a very small area of interest to them.
Now I can't see myself voting in the next election. Tories? No, they've dragged us to the bottom of the gutter than the Labour party dropped us into. LibDem? Nope, they've destroyed any credibility they had. Labour? See first comment. UKIP? Hahahahahahahahah.... A joke party that will implode after the next election, or when Farange walks away. Whichever comes first.
I honestly don't see a viable party in British politics any more.