Dally wrote:
Parental paranoia comes from a "its not safe" mindset. Where does that come from?...
From many directions ... one of which would be the very same redtop newspapers that talk about Health and Safety as some kind of a joke or onerous imposition from the EU.
Dally wrote:
When we were on holiday in Turkey a few years ago we went of a chaotic "Jeep safari". At first I could see all the dangers (due to sub-conscious health and safety nannying). It took a few minutes to say "f**k it", let's take a chance and have a laugh! It was like going back 40+ years when you could do as you pleased. Utterly liberating.
Now you're describing yourself not society in general.
For example, were you the only people on the Jeep Safari? And were the others suffering from your Health and Safety mindset ? .... doesn't sound like it.