McLaren_Field wrote:
...and where did all the water go ?
Maybe God spun the earth around really fast like a spin dryer and the water was flung off into outer space to eventually land on other planets and start new life forms there, do those life forms know what created them and who their creator is - could this be the ideal job for Kirkstaller ?
Young earth creationists usually claim that the water is still here and that the earths topography changed during the flood. The problem with this for creationists is the kind of geological events needed to create mountains and hills etc require millions of years to occur.
Creationists claim that the events required to create such geological features occured in a reltively short period of time during the flood however such events would create so much energy that the oceans would boiled into space and all life on earth would as a result become extinct including Noah and his fellow passengers.
We can only conclude that either the global flood did not occur or that we are not really here and this thread isn't happening.