I'd be 12 years old when he first walked on the moon, according to Wiki it was 20 July, all I remember is my brother and I waking up in the middle of the night (2/3/4am ?) and sneaking in the living room & sitting really close to the TV set with the sound turned down so as not to wake up our parents, to watch the moon walk live, it was a terrible picture and at times it was upside down and then our dad came in and asked what the hell we thought we were doing (I think we had school the same day) and when we told him instead of bollacking us he sat down and told us to turn it up a bit.
Later, in the autumn term our science teacher wrote to NASA and asked for some photos and they sent out a schools pack with lots of 12x8" glossy full colour pictures taken on the moon - the TV pictures had been in B&W, out of focus and very poor (no kidding) !
I do recall standing at the window one night looking at the moon during one of the moon missions and thinking that there were two men walking around up there, thats not something that kids have been able to think for a generation now...