Dita's Slot Meter wrote:
I heard the incoming TUC leader, Frances O'Grady, described on the news as a 'career trade-unionist'.....What the hell is one of those?
Well, it was a lie.
The TUC website itself (which might know) says: "Frances has been an active trade unionist and campaigner all her working life.
She has been employed in a range of jobs from shop work to the voluntary sector."
But of course the 'Olympic legacy' is somehow going to obviate the problems that people are feeling because of the chancellor's continued total incompetence.
Memories of the Mobot will banish any unpleasantness about having to decide whether to pay the gas bill or buy food.
Thoughts of the lovely Jess will make unemployment and the fruitless search for a job seem irrelevant.
The exploits of Bradley and Co will mean that services are not being cut, the NHS is not being sold off to profiteers and people are not being thrown onto the scrap heap of unemployment.
Businesses affected by the Olympics and Paralympics will recover their lost income in, oh, the next week or two at most.
The double dip will do a Tom Daley-like somersault into wild growth.
Youth unemployment will disappear overnight – and everyone will be able to get access to training and further education with the chance for a real future.
Dally spewing
Daily Mail twatfuckery – yet again – isn't news, but history. It's a piece that is reminiscent of the religious nuts (my father included) who intone that what we really need is "a revival"; in this context, as though the Olympic Games and Paralympics were some sort of a sporting revival.
They weren't. The status quo remains, with a clueless chancellor and government who, frankly, appear not to give a damn about most of the people they're busy shafting in the process of shafting the economy itself even further while making sure they and their friends get their noses as deep in the troughs as possible.
Man cannot live by bread and circuses alone.