Intelligent article : Sun Dec 16, 2012 2:05 pm
Just read this: ... rents.html He hits the nail on the head - the new order will only be sustainable by becoming a low-wage, low-cost economy that erodes savings and the countries wealth. In effect, the world's most successful nation on history is being destroyed. I fear for the future. He get's one thing wrong, in lingustic terms Manchester is apparently (per another DM article today) now the second most diverse city in the world (after NYC) with 153 languages spoken and an incredible 2/3 of children bilingual. I suppose the long-term hope might be that by becoming a low-cost economy we can start manufacturing again, but that'll be after alot of pain. |
Just read this: ... rents.html He hits the nail on the head - the new order will only be sustainable by becoming a low-wage, low-cost economy that erodes savings and the countries wealth. In effect, the world's most successful nation on history is being destroyed. I fear for the future. He get's one thing wrong, in lingustic terms Manchester is apparently (per another DM article today) now the second most diverse city in the world (after NYC) with 153 languages spoken and an incredible 2/3 of children bilingual. I suppose the long-term hope might be that by becoming a low-cost economy we can start manufacturing again, but that'll be after alot of pain. |