Don't forget, though, you can absolutely trust motor insurance companies to do the right thing and pay out claims fairly. Why, you don't even need a lawyer. Trust them, they have nodding dogs and are obviously nice people. Unlike these nasty teenagers who fail to wear hi-vis jackets, and are clearly therefore at fault if hit by traffic.
I don't know why she wants to even involve the courts. She should just let Churchill represent her best interests and accept what they decide. It's not as if their first and only duty is to shareholders to minimise payouts, and maximise profits, is it?
Anyway, that nice Mr. Grayling will tell you, these people that have the audacity to seek compensation, they are why you pay so much insurance. If people like her were told to sod off, then your premiums would come down, maybe fifty quid. Wouldn't we all prefer to live in a society like that?