El Barbudo wrote:
Was it the Euro that created the problem?
Or was it Greece's debt covered-up by fake accounting?
We can debate the original problem if you wish but my point was the Euro crisis has not gone away and will not because the single currency is fundamentally flawed. It has created a north south divide and made most Euro zone countries uncompetitive with Germany. For Germany to impose unrealistic and possibly illegal terms before they will fund the 10 Billion goes against the fundamental idea of the single currency. The Euro is doomed and is only being kept alive by the EU politicians who don't want to admit their mistakes before they retire or are kicked out.
A new political party has been formed in Germany with over 25% support whose aims are to exit from the Euro. They fully support David Camerons ideas to reform the EU too.
The fake accounting was not too important to the EU leaders at the time as they rushed to expand their empire and Germany was too busy negotiating a deal with the Greeks to buy a large number of tanks and submarines which would be funded with the EU grants once their membership was execepted. Cover up.... what cover up!