Useless politicians : Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:26 pm
So may policies are so ill thought out as to cause harm. What is starting to irk me now though is just how contradictory so many decisions are.Two that are really bugging me at present are:
1. The Tories always harp on about encouraging home ownership and we are still giving tax relief for interest paid by residential landlords but not single home buyers. In my opinion their is no case ever for allowing interest deductions against residential (as opposed to commercial property). As soon as the banks are strong enough (if ever!), they should hammer buy to let landords into the ground. I would give 12 months notice of removal of interest relief, introduce controlled rents and introduce an annual capital levy on second and more residential properties (under common / connected ownership). That would serve to flood the market with properties and reduce prices.
2. The Tories say we need an export lead recovery and rebalancing of the economy (which we do) and to "win the global race" (another nonsense sound bite that has no economic meaning) and yet they are obsessed
inane privatisations eg Royal Mail, private contractors getting involved in public services. Why? All this does is divert economic resources from export business and make us fall further behind in the global race.