The future of London's service economy? : Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:13 pm
This morning it struck me where things are heading.We have London becoming increasingly dominant in terms of the UK economy. We have London house prices going to stratospheric levels and far, far out of reach of most ordinary people and large swathes of London becoming home to the relatively and extremely wealthy. We have a cost of living crisis. We have a government wishing to starve out the unemployed, cut housing benefit costs and cut immigration.
So, where's it heading? The answer is staring us in the face. It will be back to the future - send your girls into service in London. No need to worry if some of the big house owners do not have sufficient income to pay wages because they government will send those claiming job-seekers allowance to work for free.
Far-fetched? I don't think so - it will be the logical conclusion of current thinking and an economy that does not function for all.