Video Refs Taking Over : Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:17 pm
After watching tonights game I am tending to agree with Tony Smith. The pressure seems to be on the televised games now to be the complete TV product and on reflection the decisions are seeming to be made by referee's trying to be TV Execs and not referee's. Over the past 2 nights we witnessed an Harlequins try which even the player nearly wet himself laughing when awarded. Was this a vain attempt by the video ref to knock some life into a one-sided game purely for the tv viewing public ?Then tonights last decision can only be described as ludicrous. Tony Smith has stated “For most of the rugby league I watch there are two goal judges, two touch judges and a referee and they get it right most of the time.They create as much controversy as they fix in my opinion and it stops the momentum of the game.”
So without the video ref's this weekend and left to the onfield officials. The Quins would not have scored, Ainscough's try would have been awarded and Watt's attempt most definetely ruled out.