: Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:09 pm
Richard Wright: "We've got a new stadium project up at Glasshoughton, it's been about 3 or 4 years in the making and we've got a planning permission and hopefully in 2011 we'll be there playing Super League football."
Dave Woods: "you say hopefully, how certain are you that this move is going to take place?"
Richard Wright: "er a great deal of works been done, obviously the financial climate at the moment is slowing everything down and people aren't coming on with projects that were planned but wer'e pretty confident that everything is going to plan. We've got the funding package put together and we're pretty sure we're going to be in in 2011."
Dave Woods: "Near neighbours Wakefield are looking for their new stadium, Is there any chance of sharing between the two clubs?."
Richard Wright: "Its always been a difficult sell for the fans, the prospect of one or the other playing in the others back yard and I think that's a difficulty er.. You never know what's going to happen.. Er . but to be honest Wev'e you know. . We're we fair fairly fortunate that we've got this leisure destination on our doorstep at Glasshoughton. A stadiums a great fit for the whole place and er y'know this has been going for some time so we're very fortunate to have that in our vicinity, so we we'll have to see what happens. We're just pluoghing our own furrow at the moment."
I put the stutters, the ers and the y'knows in the quote because it seemed to illustrate a general nervousness from RW. The first part of his statement also seems to contradict the second.