: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:51 am
What wrong stantrin are you that starved for attention you need to start copying what people say and do like a small child
no never bullied no school trips to waky but why a school would see visiting wakfield as educational (unless its a drugs awareness week) is beyond me....No affinity to your club so why should i care what happens to your lot, you may try to cajole some on here but if Cas fell into despair and folded, disappeared into the mire, burnt to the ground, had famine flood and pestilence upon it, im sure a wry smile would cross many a waky fans face and, and a whimper of yesssssssssssss would sound out. well I can only say if the same happened to your lot I would reciprocate the sentiments, but mine would probably be a big shout and a few bevies in celebration, just cant stand you simple really, many a cas fan sings we all hate Leeds, I Hate waky get over it mate you cant be friends with everyone, or are you that insecure you need to be loved lol