rose wrote:
Wakey fans weren't exactly welcoming today. Myself two daughters and four grandkids were subjected to a tirade of abuse in and outside your ground, just because we had our Cas shirts on, and some of your cheerleaders were egging them on down by the shops, where one idiot offered us out, big boy picking on 3 women and children. Oh and we were only there cos the kids were involved in pre match entertainment.
im sure that most wakey fans would of been jesting , if some moron offered you out for a fight I as a wakey fan can only emphasize and offer apologies.
last year at cas the walkers from wakey and cas put in a tremendous effort to raise money for sky Marie a castleford fan , the abuse we got from a lot and i mean a very lot of cas fans was quite disturbing and upsetting . my lads was 6 and 8 at the time and had coins thrown at them and told to '''''''''''' off . however im intelligent to realise that the cas fans who matter would never subject a child to abuse.