: Mon Apr 06, 2009 12:44 pm
Bang wrote:
103 pages of idletalkyness.
Anyhooooooo. Anyone right good at washing? As in clothes washing?
I've got this stain on my new white top. I have no idea what it is though. It looks like spilt tea. A spilt cup of tea. Like that colour and stuff. I've washed it 3 times but it won't come out man. I've tried putting toothpaste on it, hair moose anything white really to try get rid of it, but it's well not having any of it is it?
Should I best be getting mesen some Vanish? Cillet BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!!!!!!!!!!1!!11!!?
You see, in the 1970's you could buy patches with logo's and everything, get your mum to sew them on your jeans, that sort of thing, I was well groovy me with a Rod Stewart patch on me thigh and a CND patch on the other knee, oh yes.
So maybe you could get a white patch and sew that on top of the tea stain, provided that the patch is bigger than the stain of course.
They used to sell them in the hippy market underneath the Mecca ballroom in what is now the Victoria Quarter, if that helps (it might not).