Hardaker will always stir emotions - his previous behaviour hardly puts him in the best light. Other than Penrith he has left every club due to off the field issues. This cannot and should not be ignored when you are trying to elevate the culture at the club and give positive guidance to young players about what is expected of elite athletes. In a world outside of entertainment he would be out of work but we seem to view sports in a different light i.e. its importance is blown out of all proportion to actual reality.
If you sign a contract you should honour that contract unless both parties agree to a change - Hardaker knew what he was doing when he signed for Wigan. To behave the way he did in the off season is disrespectful to the club and his team mates.
I am all for giving people a second chance but if people don't learn then why should repeated bad behaviour be rewarded - what precedence does that set?
This club will never be relegated - the league would change the criteria. We have a number of injuries but there was no need to sign Hardaker and if that is the only reason he has been signed what does that say about the club and its forward planning? As Sinfield has shown the younger players have potential - they need to be given the opportunity to learn and develop