So, I'm sure the search for a head coach is extensive and ongoing. It's not exactly going to be messaged out that we're desperately looking for a head coach, because what message does that send to the fans and players. Getting rid of Agar is not a viable option without a replacement lined up. Sacking Agar means he leaves the club, and Long is probably in charge in the meantime. I don't think that would change anything for the better.
For the context of 3 games, we've been without 3 of our first choice back 3, so lack impact out wide. We've also lost our whole 2nd row.
In the Warrington game we made a good first of it and just came up short. At Wigan the performance fell off a cliff when Tet and Prior went off. Against Catalan, we made bucket loads of meters, but didn't have strike out wide to execute.
Get more games under the belt for combinations to click, get some front line players back in the team and see how we are after 10 games or so.