The Chair Maker wrote:
In less positive news the flying pie eaters (pigeon vermin) are obviously jealous of our new ground and are making a right old mess of it.
That is going to be an on-going problem. Pigeon droppings when being cleaned have to be treated as an hazardous material and the residue disposed of accodingly and appropriate PPE worn (I was involved in cleaning the old hangars ar Speke airport which were caked in the stuff). The way it is "splashing" up the glass is particularly bad.
These are the sort of tasks that make the management of a facility such as this splendid stadium a full time job for an experienced estates professional. I was suprised that Mike Rush has been given the role of stadium manager alongside his role as head of youth development. Surely they are both full-time roles? I presume Mike Rush is qualified in coaching rather than facilities management.