: Fri May 22, 2009 10:29 pm
My answer is no.
He's had 3 years and in that time he's taken defending champions to near wooden spooners. These are not the actions of a coach who can turn this around.
If we take another example as Justin Morgan at Hull KR, he's done the opposite. He's taken a team that came up and started off taking a few kickings but he's held it together and pushed on and now KR are near the top of the league and looking like a good bet for the grand final.
McNamara's selection policies are questionable. His use of subs, unfathomable and his recruitment is laughable.
Time and time again we're told the players "didn't do what we practiced in training". I'm sorry but that's damn unprofessional. If you've a problem with the coach or the coaching methods then take it up with the coaching staff on the training pitch. Don't just not bother when it comes to game time because THAT is a slap in the face to the hard working men and women who pay to watch you play and whos money goes to pay your wages.
But this is something that goes two ways. If the coach can see the players are not playing as coached it's his job to find out why. Do the players not understand what's expected of them? Do they not understand how the set moves are supposed to work? Do they feel unhappy with the level of training they're recieving?
We were told earlier in the year that McNamara knew what was went wrong and it would be fixed. But every loss has changed that story to the point where you have him saying "I don't have the 1st clue what's going on or how to begin fixing it" That is an untenable position for any coach as how can the players get behind a coach who doesn't know what he's doing? How must players like Morrison and Menzies react? Between them they've pretty much seen and done it all as far as RL goes. CAN they really be happy playing under a coach who says he doesn't know what he's doing? I don't think so.
Really, I think McNamara has had his final drink in the Last Chance Saloon. It's time he went out, flagged down a cab and got them to take him to Reality Street. He doesn't have the skills or the ability to take us out of the hole we're in and should do the honourable thing and walk away.