I now hear rumours that the Bulls may be considering staging a Bradford Council funded event at Odsal stadium of the world famous Gilbert and Sullivan comic opera, the Pirates of Penzance.
The comic opera will be brought up to date and given a local slant by featuring the 'Nasty Little Scrotes' as some young pirates who are seemingly ransacking the Southbank shores and possibly other areas of the open (and rumour has it insecure) 'seas of Odsal'.
Who knows based on AC's recent confrontational T&A features other more senior 'pirate' characters in the increasingly comic production may be those of his new arch enemies, 'Hudgo' and 'Carto'. Why 'Charmo' may even wish to cast himself as the self styled modern day equivalent of the 'Sergeant of the Police' character with all his officers searching high and low for burglars and pirates who may appear on Google images. The newly promoted Officer Rimmer may even catch one of the scrotes red handed during the production, thus making PC Rimmer deservedly 'two feet taller'.
The 'walking the plank' feature will apparently be provided by Andrew Chalmers recently liquidated NZ company (and Bulls 'sponsor' !) - Lowie Recruitment Limited.
Tickets for the production will doubtless sell like hotcakes with all the money going to a deserved cause such as the RFL. The entry price on the day will be a mere £100 in return for which we will apparently each receive a brand new iPad courtesy of a local Pastor who may also make a guest appearance as yet another pirate.
Attendees will as usual have to pay an arm and a leg for inedible boil in a bag burgers and hot dogs, but all the food can be washed down by cans of pop that will apparently be charged at double the normal inflated Odsal match day price of £2.30, i.e the price per item will be £4.60; this is after all a pirate production !
It is also understood that Nigel Wood when contacted by the press was unable to confirm whether or not he would be willing to appear as Blackbeard sitting on his (reinforced) treasure chest in order to keep it safe.
It will be a good production guys. Keep your eyes peeled.