It's interesting that those really in the know, SMTMUK and Matty Ryan etc seem to be pointing the finger at the RFL.
The tweet about Big Nige being the string puller, the RFL being corrupt B4st4rds and 'Land Fill' has gone but enough hints to say this has been a three year operation by the Pie-man.
So what it looks like to me is that just as we leave the tip, the Richard Dunn site is about to be cleared leaving a really profitable parcel of land for someone inc CBMDC, Chalmers says goodbye, not by going into Administration as you would expect but by some-one *buying* the club (what is there to buy?), thus giving Chalmers his money back and by lucky hapt a cock up with pensions gives everyone the diversion to look away whilst Nige pats AC on the back for a job well done and him and a couple of buddies, acting as a front, settle in to a heroes welcome.
X-files has got phuq all on us!!! Buying the Bulls! They really think we are that stupid? 'I'll buy you debt if that's ok?!?!?'
Shull Bit!