Hello all,
I have now received the list of the academy squad, which I give below. Does anyone have any particular wish to sponsor any particular player? If not, should we choose at random?
Brandan Wilkinson
Brandon Pickersgill
Caden Wilkinson
Callum Ogden
Cameron Connelly
Ethan Ryan
Issac Farrell
Jack Georgiou
Jake Hrintchuck
James Bentley
James Harrison
James Pickering
James Thornton
Josh Ricketts
Kieran Walpole
Lewis Ainley
Liam Kirk
Luke Hooley
Macauley Barron
Matthew Chrimes
Matthew Stableford
Michael Paul
Niadh Currie-Clark
Ross Oakes
Zak Baker
I have said that I will pay the money over to the club shortly, so I would appreciate it if I could have in the remaining contributions.
1. MDF - Paid
2. Pumpetypump - Paid
3. Ferocious Aardvark - Paid
4. Mat - Paid
5. Mats missus - Paid
6. Minorman - Paid
7. dddooommm - Paid8. Bullseye
9. Bullnorthern
10. Debaser - Paid
11. Mrs Debaser - Paid12. Bullinenemyland
13. Nothus - Paid
14. Rambull1967 - Paid
15. flip floP - Paid16. Vbfg
17. Bully_boxer - Paid
18. paulwalker71 - Paid
19. Bull Mania - Paid
20. tigertot - Paid
21. Northernrelic - Paid
22. Fifty50 - Paid
23. jayb - Paid
24. martinwildbull - Paid
25. childofthenorthern - Paid
26. Bicesterbull - Paid
27. Duckman - Paid
28. Grattanboy - Paid
29. Bullboy - Paid30. Andybull
31. Eddievan - Paid
32. M@islebugs - Paid
33. benjcake - Paid
34. Bluesky - Paid
35. Tikkabulls - Paid
36. Rarebreed - Paid
37. beefy1 - Paid
38. Bendybulls - Paid
39. Adeybull - Paid40. redeverready
41. HLL1969
42. Northernrelic +1 - Paid
43. PAC - Paid
44. Ridlerbull - Paid
45. Ridlerbull +1 - Paid
46. bobsmyuncle - Paid
47. Liane - Paid
48. Liane +1 - Paid
49. Bluesky +1 - Paid
50. MDF +1 - Paid
51. Jammle - Paid
52. Mrs. Jammle - Paid
52.5 Debaser a bit more - Paid
53. Pumpetpump +1 - PaidTotal £1070 (£930 received).
Updated for recent payers.