Not news I expected to wake up to. To say it came out of the blue is a massive understatement.
I've been telling people for years how perilous the financial situation clearly was. It was patently obvious from the accounts. Anyone still disbelieving?
But - like many others no doubt - I'd assumed that the sale of the Odsal lease had alleviated at least the short-term financial crisis. So where the hell has this come from?? Unless retrospective tax bills
We now learn that the Odsal sale was seemingly because the club had borrowed from the RFL (it was obvious it must have, since they registered a charge in favour of the RFL well over a year ago) and could not repay them, so they took the stadium in lieu of repayment. I've heard nothing other than what I have read in the paper this morning,
Once again, looks like we have been made to look fools, and the chief emotion I feel right now is anger. But I'll keep most of my powder dry for now in the hope that I can find out some more somehow.
This cannot have just come out of the blue. I am afraid what I have read does not stack up. Frankly, I do not believe it.
Donations? They should have been going for a share issue. If they want supporters to chuck a shedload of money in, they need to surrender a sizeable share of the ownership. As I feel right now, thats what it will take for me to put any money in.
Is Caisley waiting in the wings to buy the assets off an administrator?
Far far too busy at work right now to give this the attention it needs. And far too angry to want to write much more just now.