Several good questions Bullseye.
But AC is a true business man (you can see that in his list of companies) so he will give us all the answers that makes us feel warm and secure.
Then he'll just carry on regardless of our feelings. I cant see him making money out of this latest venture (unless £'s cross palms for the ground/site) so he's either in this to tick the Bulls off his bucket list or as a favour to his pal Nige.
I'd be surprised if AC was still with us this time next year unless promotion (to SL2) is guaranteed.
He will probably use my list of "poll answers" as a check sheet at the forum because at least one of them could answer every question.
But I genuinely respect you guys that are going and will ask him the tough questions; you've stuck in there when most of us have called it a day.
But irrespective of his answers, if we choose to support this club - we need to win more games than we lose; whatever league we are in - and he has known that since January.
I'll give him that it was a really shoite start to the season with minus 12, no players, no club etc - but he knew that was what he was buying. So this season he has a clean slate (albeit the court cases/ET still hanging over us) so this is his last roll of the dice.