: Thu May 07, 2009 9:52 pm
I've noticed two specific things that I suggest all our 2009 recruits have in common:
1. A tendency to have made more mistakes than we might have hoped for;
2. A tendency to (usually) show very considerable enthusiasm in their game.
Now there are people on here far better qualified than me to comment about the details of the game; but am I the only one to think that point 1 is something of a consequence of point 2? Because if it is, then the future looks promising - the enthusiasm we need and will help win us games; and the mistakes will get ironed out as the team settles more. My tuppenceworth, anyway.
Personally, and in the context of the overall team performance, I'm happy with all of them right now. Beaver of course speaks for himself, but I have a feeling the reporter in Sadler's Rag who observed that Worrincy "...is beginning to prove himself an astute signing..." may turn out to be guilty of considerable understatement?
Incidentally, speaking of Sadler's Rag (which yes, I bought for the second time in two years this week - its OK, I can handle it, and can stop again any time, honestly...) I see that Sykes got "Player of the Week" and Beaver was only just shaded for "Try of the week" by that Evans try.