: Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:26 pm
redeverready wrote:
Is it to do with the fact they can longer think up any defence of our current coach's failings.
May well be.
Then again, it may be that they got fed up with the way everything got hijacked by the NT - at least that's what a few have told me is the reason.
And again, maybe its because they just think the debate and discussion on here is a load of crap anyway - one guy I know, who feels strongly that Macca HAS to go so he's an NT with bar, told me on Friday night that's why HE does not post.
Or maybe its cos some spell-checking and grammar-checking pedants jump on anyone whose communication skills are far stronger orally that in trying to type? One guy I know told me that was one main reason (he's in the PT).
Or maybe its because they are like so many in life, content to let others put their heads above the parapet.
Or maybe even because some of them have a life...!