Lets use a saying "Great men are born out of a fire and lesser men build the fire"
Why would the latest Directors work to benefit Mr Khan and not profit themselves? It would be great for anyone to sit back and profit from competent and committed management.
Mr Khan may have shares but how many and how are they distributed?
A single shareholder only needs 1 ordinary @ £1.00
What actually is he doing...playing poker?
The ground is owned by the RFL (correct me on that one if wrong) and the players and staff are employed by the company. If the company (Bulls) is about to fold why would any board on other clubs buy any on offer. Surely just waiting to pick them up from their agents would be sensible.
So what does Mr Khan own? after the debtors have been satisfied.
His reputation in business is crumbling before his eyes.
The latest board have clearly explained why they have stepped down and quite frankly I am as dismayed at the latest developments as anyone.
I just hope it is not a question of his ego and bitterness because he is embarrassed.
Goodness knows what the Bulls creditors are thinking!!