FAO - Bullbuilder, Youtube channel : Mon Apr 27, 2020 4:00 pm
Hi everyone, hope you're all doing ok in these weird times.
This is a post for anyone connected to Bullbuilder. Years ago I helped Bullbuilder by setting up a youtube channel and uploaded games and content Bullbuilder and the Bulls supplied me. Its been sat dormant since one of our implosions (I forget which one) and Im now doing a review of all my online stuff and I want to get rid of this page. I'm happy to transfer ownership of the page to Bullbuilder if they want it and / or the content, and I've emailed what I think is the current email address but on-one has got back to me. If anyone can let someone form Bullbuider know that would be great as if I don't hear back from them I'll just delete the channel. Thanks everyone, stay safe. definitely not a link to the Bullbuilder Youtube channel |
Hi everyone, hope you're all doing ok in these weird times.
This is a post for anyone connected to Bullbuilder. Years ago I helped Bullbuilder by setting up a youtube channel and uploaded games and content Bullbuilder and the Bulls supplied me. Its been sat dormant since one of our implosions (I forget which one) and Im now doing a review of all my online stuff and I want to get rid of this page. I'm happy to transfer ownership of the page to Bullbuilder if they want it and / or the content, and I've emailed what I think is the current email address but on-one has got back to me. If anyone can let someone form Bullbuider know that would be great as if I don't hear back from them I'll just delete the channel. Thanks everyone, stay safe. definitely not a link to the Bullbuilder Youtube channel |