Where to get (very) cheap playing shirts ? : Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:34 pm
For the last 18 months, myself and a fellow teacher have been running a Y9 girls team at our school in Bromley, south-east London. After much training and not a lot of playing, we've finally got ourselves some games and were recently crowned south London champions in the carnegie schools tourney. We're now through to the regional heats, and we're settig up some friendlies with a small but growing band of like-minded missionaries in the area.
Our problem is that the PE department doesn't really want to know, and this is all being done extra-curricular by two non-PE teachers. We've been nicking soccer kits to play in, but it's a bit scrappy, and we want to get at least a decent set of rugby shirts for the girls. We've managed to find £200 from an award one of our players won for the school, and she's donating it to the search, but it doesn't seem to cover the costs of any kit or set of shirts that I can find.
Do any teams out there have any contacts/knowledge of where I can go to find a set of shirts, in young adult size (the girls sizes are 8-16, which I think is the equivalent to 30"-40") ? If so, I'd be grateful for any pointers on this thread, because I'm drawing a blank right now.